Macraes – Fraserburgh
Location: Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire
Value: £3.4 million
Project Duration: 26 Weeks
Contract: SBCC Standard Building Contract with Quantities and Contractors Design Portion 2011 Edition
Client Team: Aberdeenshire Council
IRS Construction were selected following the competitive tender process ensuring the selection of a specialist contractor to deliver this specialist refurbishment to these particular non-traditional Macrae type properties, involving External Wall Insulation, Roofs, Windows, Doors, and Fire Proofing for walkway ceilings.
The properties were system-built Macrae type structures, featuring timber frames with an external facade comprising glass reinforced concrete panels affixed to a wooden frame substrate. The installation process emphasised critical considerations for fixing and firestopping as well as the carefully programmed removal of the existing GRC panels and the reinstatement of the new BBA EWI system comprising of a new cement particle board and ventilated cavity providing an upgraded uvalue and some real cost and energy savings for the residents of these much-improved properties.
Given the presence of asbestos in the attic areas, IRS, as an ISO 45001 certified contractor, collaborated with a specialist asbestos removal contractor to safely encapsulate the asbestos during roof stripping and replacement.

Noteworthy challenges included managing nesting swallows and house martins during the summer months. The management team worked closely with Aberdeenshire Council and RSPB representatives to accommodate nesting without adversely affecting the project's delivery time frames.